>mfw "Hey yo"
>pic related will debut at Fight for the Fallen and beat Kenny Omega for the title at All Out
It has been a while. The last real update on the site was in February 2020 - Elimination Chamber where almost every single match features someone no longer with WWE. Amazing.
I'll spare you a lengthy excuse ridden post; COVID happened, things got tough for everyone, stuff fell by the wayside. Then #SpeakingOut happened and honestly I fell out of love with something I'd enjoyed watching for a large part of my life.
Well I'm now in a place where I think I can start working on the site more often than not and I got recently motivated by a super secret project that I'm working on for a certain someone... plus with fans now back in attendance wrestling actually feels like something I want to watch.
Anywho - fujiBET! is making a return, I'm starting Season 10 which will run to the end of the year we're kicking off with Fight for the Fallen which is now available for people to go predict.
Season 9, I will aim to get through as best I can in the coming weeks. I'm still looking for someone to help with getting predictions sorted as I know people like their results ASAP. I'm much like Heath Slater (the one man band, not the kids part).
Please drop into the Discord if you're having issues with sign ups/logging in and prod me and I'll have a look into what's up - I imagine someone people's accounts have been flagged as inactive, plus our email service went walkabout over 2020 which was FUN!
Anywho, it feels like wrestling is back and fun again...
Hope you're all doing well,
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"The NO Show" makes it's return to the airwaves today. As a replacement for the two hour preshow call ins we're going to be doing a weekly show talking about wrestling every weekend at 9AM EST/2PM GMT.
It's a trial run today but it will be myself and Samoan Driver hosting and chatting about the last week of wrestling.