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Current Rankings
1st | CaptainWacky | 235 |
2nd | DillPickle | 230 |
3rd | Ashicide | 200 |
4th | Moon | 185 |
5th | DarkOrder2021 | 155 |
6th | Mountain Dew McIntyre | 150 |
7th | salad | 140 |
8th | NAG | 120 |
We don't really have a set of rules that doesn't extend to further than: have fun, don't cheat and if you've got a problem let us know.
What follows is a break down of how the games work in terms of how we judge the outcomes of matches.
Match Questions
Match questions are usually broken into three questions: who will win, the finish and whether there will be interference.
Who will win?
All announced competitors will be available to pick for this question. Where opponents are due to be announced we’ll add a “Mystery opponent” or “Mystery Entrant” into the drop down.
“No contest” refers to a result where there is no announced victor, this includes but is not limited to: time limit draws, matches never starting, matches being thrown out, double count outs, double disqualifications.
We count the winner as the wrestler(s) after the final bell for the match, if the match is restarted or extended the initial result is disregarded.
If a wrestler is replaced before results are closed we will remove any predictions with the removed wrestler. It is up to the player to update their predictions (if this happens the hour before the show players should receive an notification that they’ve not answered this question).
If a wrestler is replaced after results are closed, or another wrestler enters the match (e.g. WrestleMania 31 Seth Rollins cashing in making the main event a triple threat) this question will be disregarded on the basis that predictions were made based on the participants involved. Unless the option for a “Mystery Opponent” or “Mystery Entrant” is available.
Where possible we will use the official announcement on the show for the finish but where this is ambiguous we’ll use our own judgement as follows:
Pinfall: a count of three by the assigned official for the match.
Submission: a verbal or physical submission (i.e. tapping) by a wrestler.
No contest: where no finish is declared (i.e. a draw).
Count out: a standing count is completed by the assigned official for the match.
DQ: a wrestler(s) is disqualified by the assigned official for the match.
Other: anything that does not cover the above, but in particular:
- Referee stoppage: this includes the three arm drop,a pass out, or failure to respond where it is announced as a competitor being unable to continue
- Match never starts: we separate this from no contest as the contest never got underway i.e. the opening bell did not sound.
At it’s most basic level we define interference as: “any physical action between a non competitor to a competitor in the match that occurs to influence the result of the match”.
Breaking this down:
- Interference must be physical, therefore the following do not count as interference : the Undertaker’s gong, a wrestler’s theme playing, a wrestler standing at ringside, a wrestler shouting at another to cause a distraction. We would however consider the light from the Undertaker’s urn, throwing water, salt, powder or a fire ball as a physical act.
- Interference must occur between a non competitor and a competitor. Managers and valets are not competitors. A competitor must be announced before the opening bell, therefore wrestlers who enter unannounced (e.g. Hornswoggle winning the Crusierweight title, or Seth Rollins cash in) count as interference where they meet the first rule.
- Interference must occur in the match. The Nexus beating up Randy Orton before his match does not count as interference because the opening bell had not rung. If a match is restarted any actions between the closing bell and the reopening bell does not count as interference.
- A competitor may instigate interference, a good example being a wrestler attacking an opponent’s manager or valet (e.g. Rock attacking Heyman at Summerslam 2002, JBL throwing a trashcan at Hornswoggle).
- The interference must have the intention to influence the result of the match. We would not consider AJ kissing Daniel Bryan as interference as she was the valet for Bryan. Pats on the back or friends of the competitor helping them to their feet are not considered interference. However holding the door of the cage shut or preventing a casket being closed do count.
- The interference does not need to succeed to be considered as interference (e.g. a manager may attempt to throw powder in the eyes of an opponent but hit their own client).
The Hebner Rule
Referees, and special guest referees, are immune from interference rules under the Hebner rule: "an official is allowed to use force to up hold the rules or allow the match to continue fairly, however anything other than this is considered interference".
The Gedo Rule
Managers and valets, are immune from interference rules under the Gedo rule: "a manager or valet is allowed to assist their client during the course of the match, this includes but is not limited to: helping them to their feet, patting them on the back, group huddle discussions".
The Daryl Rule
Inanimate objects must act on their own will. Their destruction does not count as interference.
The "August 1 Warning" Rule
With contracts seemingly expiring faster than dairy products left out of the fridge, we're asking more appearance based questions. In order for us to consider someone to "appear" or "debut" at an event they need to "physically appear on screen a la the infamous August 1 Warning moment". The person does not have to physically be involved with any person, just make an appearance - even if it's just folding their arms.
Any pretaped footage or promotional footage (e.g. "COMING SOON") does not count.
Title changes
We often offer a question about title changes, we only count listed championships by the company as title changes. Trophies, awards, contracts, roles, positions of authority or responsibilities do not count as a title changes.
A title must be currently held to be considered a title change. Inaugural championship contests or matches where the title is currently vacated do not count as title changes.
If a title changes hands twice, due to a match restarting or a Money in the Bank cash in, this counts as two title changes regardless of how long the title was held for.
There are exceptions to this rule:
- Matches where the result is immediately reversed by an authority figure and not recognised by the company (e.g. Mike Awesome vs. Lance Storm where numerous title changes were reversed by an authority figure).
- Matches where a temporary champion is established until the end of the match (e.g. championship scrambles) these title changes do not count until the final result is announced.