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Current Rankings

1st CaptainWacky 235
2nd DillPickle 230
3rd PaTrYk 210
4th Ashicide 200
5th Moon 185
6th DarkOrder2021 155
7th Mountain Dew McIntyre 150
7th CoominRider 150
9th salad 140
10th NAG 120
11th redreddington 110

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WWE Backlash (2023) - Leaderboard


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1st KickOut 180
2nd Ashicide 175
2nd Goj 175
4th TheRoonDogg 170
4th The Squirt Business 170
4th SuccBoi 170
7th NAG 165
8th ZARDOZ! 160
8th eaglebelt 160
8th Wonga 160
8th Squitman 160
12th ParalysedBeaver 155
12th Masterojack 155
14th ShinGokuIAM 140
15th salad 125
15th Mountain Dew McIntyre 125
15th PaTrYk 125
15th CoominRider 125
19th redreddington 115
19th DarkOrder2021 115
19th Dadadington 115
22nd DillPickle 100