You need to be logged in to a LOLWrestling account to play


Current Rankings

1st CaptainWacky 235
2nd DillPickle 230
3rd Ashicide 200
4th Moon 185
5th DarkOrder2021 155
6th Mountain Dew McIntyre 150
7th salad 140
8th NAG 120

View full leaderboard


FUJIBET is a professional wrestling prediction game. We post questions about professional wrestling you predict what the answers will be and get awarded points for being correct. The concept has been around for yonks but was largely borrowed in concept from which ceased operation in November 2016. The site was built from scratch in a weekend and gets a couple of nice fun updates every so often.

How to play

To play FUJIBET you will require to be logged in to account (if you don’t have one you can register for one). Once logged in click the “Register” link at the top right of the FUJIBET page and your account will be associated to a FUJIBET account – this allows us to only email people who are playing FUJIBET about FUJIBET things.

If you are unsure if your account is active check the box to the left hand side it should read: Status: Active.

Once registered you can start making predictions. Most of our questions are based around an upcoming live event and are grouped together into an list of questions. Occasionally we will post a single question that isn’t related to an event or is asked well in advance of a event – for example we might ask “Who will be in the main event at Wrestlemania?” six months before the event.

All of our questions come options for you to choose from, simply select an option that you believe answers the question and will be correct and click “Save Predictions” and you have made a prediction.


There's a few, not a lot but we've put them all on a separate page.


Leagues are several FUJIBET players grouped together allowing them to compete against each other within and against other leagues. Anyone can request a league and you can be a part as many leagues as you are allowed to join.

There are three categories of leagues:

  • open: allowing anyone to join
  • confirmation: anyone who wants to join must be confirmed before they are accepted
  • invite only: in order to join you must be invited to join

Some leagues are marked as private meaning that they do not appear on public lists or rankings.

Becoming a member of a league

Any league that is not private can be found on the main list of leagues. If a league is open or confirmation based it will have a “Join” button on the league’s home page clicking that button will either automatically join you to that league (open) or send a confirmation email to the moderators of that league (confirmation).

If a league is invite only no “Join” button will be shown, you will have to request an invitation from one of the moderators of the league in order to join.

Leaving a league

You can leave a league at any time, however by doing so you will have to go through the entry process should you want to join again – i.e. if you leave an invite league, you would need to be re-invited to rejoin.

To leave a league click the “Leave” button.

You cannot leave a league that you have created, you must delete it or speak to a LOLWrestling administrator to have it re-assigned to a new user.


There are three roles a user can have within a FUJIBET league; Admin, Moderator and Member. Each role is unique to the league so a user who is an administrator in one league may only be a member in another. Each role has a subset of permissions for actions they can take within the league. You can see the breakdown of permissions below:

FUJIBET - Admin FUJIBET - Moderator FUJIBET - Member
Access league admin menu
Can accept members
Can invite members
Can reject members
Can edit league
Can promote members
Can remove members

Access admin menu

Allows the user access to the edit, members, invite and request options as long as they have the relevant permissions below

Can accept members

Allows the user to accept members who have requested access – if the league is a confirmation type

Can edit league

Allows the user to edit the name, description, URL and other settings of the league.
If the user originally created the league they can delete the league.

Can invite members

Allows the user to send invitations to email addresses – if the league is an invite only type

Can promote members

Allows the user to promote/demote members to other roles.
The user who originally created the league cannot be promoted/demoted.

Can reject members

Allows the user to reject members who have requested access – if the league is a confirmation type

Can remove members

Allows the user to remove members who have joined the league.
The user who originally created the league cannot be removed.