So yeah, I wasn't the best booker for TNA. but I'm pretty sure that I was better for the company than Dixie Carter was.
Really sucks. I had struck gold with Lynn and Daniels, Paul London and Styles and Punk VS Danielson. But I guess that wasn't enough to save TNA. But at least I can talk about some cool/not so cool shit that happend in that game.
I made an Intercontiental Title that was just so Punk and Bryan could feud over it (And it became my second most popular title really quickly)
As I showed a couple months back, I was going to have Douglas and Dusty feud (And it was one filled with heat) but Shane ran off before the feud could even start.
I hired Sting to face Styles at a PPV, and was gonna have them headline the next many PPVs. But WWE snatched him up LITERALLY right after I had them face each other at the PPV.
I really failed in the Tag devision though... I hired Nash and Hall to form a NWO stable with Jarret. Put never used them well. Just put them in a feud with AMW, but at every PPV I rarely remembered to have them wrestle.
So Nash just ocassionally came out to interfere in Jarret's midcard matches, and Scott just wrestled BG James mostly.
My Christopher Daniels and Jerry Lynn feud went wonderful, Daniels and Lynn became the most hated/loved heel/face in the company. But since I didn't have them on a written contract, they ended up on a tour with NJPW (Which Danielson also went on) which ended up fucking up my company royally because I couldn't promote my top feud.
I made a pretty good stable called "Best and Brightest"
with Paul London and Nick Dinsmore, which ended up being the real NWO of TNA cause I added a lot of the guys I wanted to be top heels in it.
I screwed up Chris Hero by putting him in the Main Event right away, and people fucking hated it. So before long Hero was feuding with Matt Morgan over a near comedy Hardcore Championship (that I mostly just threw guys that I didn't know what to do with at). And had a lackluster feud where I gave him waaaaay too many wins over the guy I was trying to make a monsterous beast...
I also teamed up Heidenreich and Morgan and called the team "Woe is Blueprint". I was also briefly considering "The Final Solution"... Anyway yeah, biggest thing they did was taking the Hardcore title from Shark Boy.
Before the bankruptcy had just hired Austin Aries, Mike Awesome, Justin Credible, CW Anderson and Steve Corino. CW and Corino were going to be Punk's protection. And when they broke off from him (After winning the the tag titles of course) I was planning on hiring Flair as soon as his contract ran out with WWE, and forming a new bigger version of the Extreme Horsemen.
So yeah, I wasn't the best booker for TNA. but I'm pretty sure that I was better for the company than Dixie Carter was.
Oh, and I hired Brain Kendrick and was going to have him and Danielson in the tag division after his feud with Punk.
But nope, instead he ended as X division champ...
Which I just realize I forgot to cover.
It was basically just Sabin London Hardy Kash and El Leon feuding over the thing in Ladder Matches (There aren't any actual X Division matches in the game). I did kinda well since Hardy VS Kash was one of the bigger midcard feuds I had in the game.
Oh and I had just created a new Submission Championship right before I went Bankrupt.
Had Roddy Piper (GM) give it to Aries after he made Stevens tap on a PPV:
Might as well ask.
You guys think I should restart again as TNA, or maybe try being another 2004 company?