>mfw when Vince digs up the corpse of Roddy and throws it at CM Punk from the crowd
... all your old accounts (apparently).
>TL;DR if haven't resigned up and want your old account back go to http://lolwrestling.com/activate-account/resend/ and you should be able to enter your email for your old account and re-activate it
>If you've already set up a new account, speak to red_ in Discord
Someone mentioned to me last night that even though their old fujiBET! account had been deleted they were getting the reminder emails and that puzzled me.
There was an issue with our email service over the COVID period meaning emails weren't going out. The site also deletes inactive accounts after six months of inactivity - you are supposed to get a warning email to say "we're gonna delete your account" unfortunately because the email service failed no one got that email...
... however due to some bad logic in that user deletion code the accounts are still there and connected to their fujiBET! accounts still...
So as a temporary measure until the 1st October 2021, I'm allowing the reactivation of old accounts. All you need to do to re-activate your old account is go to http://lolwrestling.com/activate-account/resend/ enter your email and you should get a link to reactivate your account.
However there are 15 users who have re-signed up with the same email and now technically have two accounts - if you (think) fit into this category, jump on Discord and I can sort out merging your accounts together.
>pic related will show up at All Out and attack CM Punk
>mfw when Vince digs up the corpse of Roddy and throws it at CM Punk from the crowd
>mfw waking up from a several year slumber on /eldub/