Oh hey :)
Welcome to the site, not many people use the boards, but you can find the predictions game at https://www.lolwrestling.com/play/fujibet/
And I found y'all. Pretty sweet. I haven't really figured out where actually predictions take place, but I don't really watch much wrestling anymore. I did see CM Punk return, I should maybe check out more than just that initial episode, but I didn't even know what that promotion was - hell, I can't even think of - oh, AEW I think - yeah, it seems like it's probably pretty cool.
But when I stopped watching - really, Shawn Michaels' retirement is when I lost my smile - that was the main reason I took my site down. I did do some weird bet where if Trump won I was taking it down, though at the time I really didn't think he would win, kinda got a lot of weird reactions on Twitter for that. People thinking I clearly knew Trump would win and made the bet as some easy way out, other people just annoyed I would end the site like that (but a bet's a bet). I did want out, though, but the site was also my baby so it would have been a tough decision to make really. Losing that bet unexpectedly was probably the best thing - otherwise I'd have just gotten sloppier and sloppier entering results every 2 weeks. Cause by 2014, it was such a chore running the site - and I never made money doing it or anything. I'd sometimes watch the PPVs in the background, but then that last year for sure I was just reading the results, trying to double-check everything as best I could, and praying I hadn't missed an interference or some wonky finish (TNA - ARGH).
But I will always have a love for wrestling, and I liked running it for other wrestling fans even once I had stopped watching.. since at least back then, there was such a stigma attached to being a fan. Part of why I liked the whole idea of it in the first place was that, for me, a lot of the intrigue was in how the writers would decide to move storylines. Of course, I love great wrestling, too, but the whole thing about the writing is something that is lost on people who aren't fans. I always liked writing fantasy wrestling storylines when I was younger (a bit cringe to me now, at least what I wrote for sure). And I liked trying to figure out what the writers would do that would make the most sense. Of course, after running the website, especially during the big John Cena years, it became clear that it was always best to pick against what seemed like the right decision for the writers to make. But that was the "intellectual" side to being a wrestling fan that no one but fans understood. Always annoyed me the way people who didn't like it just couldn't get past the basic stereotypical things - "it's fake, guys in underwear, {insert various derogatory terms for lower-class white people}".
Anyway, I have no idea how many people are active here, I haven't looked around much, I was just kinda excited to see that someone wanted to roll with the idea from my site and actually mentioned it! Super cool, thanks for the mention.